Monday, December 21, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Connecticut Trip

A trip to Connecticut wouldn't be complete without some gambling! Here Naunie gives Amelia her first lesson on the slots!
Amelia and Poppy watch the ducks at Lyman Orchards
The "tude" she gave a restuarant owner when he tried to color on her pageShopping for apple fritters with Poppy and Cece!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Chef Amelia

This is her Chef Ramsey pose "this risotto is not good enough!!!"

Sporting her The Sugar Suite apron

Grown up face on her here
This little stool has become Amelia's ticket to "big girl world." She loves to climb on it to look over the countertop, I think because she's taller she thinks she older.

These are her tools. She has no idea what to do with them, but enjoys banging them on the countertop, and using them to move around any confectioners sugar sifted on the counter closer to her little mouth.
This is Amelia's buddy, Alex. Everything that Alex does, Amelia follows... it is seriously one of the sweetest things I have ever seen. Alex dances, Amelia follows. Alex builds a fort, Amelia is right there to play in it. Alex taught Amelia how to play hide-and-go-seek (video to come)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Pancakes with Ninnah

This big girl tries to get the pancakes with her fork, keep trying Amelia!


We went to the park last week, and there were no other kids there, so Amelia plopped up on the bench and sat next to me, got down went to the bench next to us and plopped up on that one, and back and forth. She is getting so independent.... and STRONG. Pretty soon, she'll be a little monkey climbing door frames with her hands and feet (like her daddy used to do)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Poppy's Visit

This week was very special for Amelia, her Poppy came to visit her! Poppy (aka Gary, Tony's dad) came all the way from Connecticut to spend the holiday weekend with us. It was a wonderful time, and these pictures are a sweet reminder of all the special times we had.

Amelia is holding Poppy's finger! It was so nice, because she put her hand out as if to ask him to hold hands.

Gelati at Jeremiahs! Yummy! Poppy had to get the larger gelati to share!

On our way to uncle Jeremy's birthday party on the fourth of July. She's showing off her shoes to the camera!

Poppy carefully watching Uncle Jeremy's birthday (slash 4th of July cake)

Dinner at Brio, Amelia is coloring with Poppy.

Poppy reading Amelia a bedtime story. SO precious!

Amelia on the carousel at The Magic Kingdom. She gives us a little wiggle, then pets the horsie. This little girl loves the camera!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Life's Little Moments!

Amelia learned how to press her nose up on the glass, and thankfully Tony was there to catch it :)

Beach Baby

This past weekend we packed up an headed for New Smyrna Beach! The baby was happy as a clam... even with sand in her little swimmers. This little girl adores the beach!