Sunday, March 15, 2009

Amelia's Baptism

Dear Amelia,
We have chosen to dedicate you as God’s child today and pray that you will always feel safe in the grace that comes only through our Lord, Jesus Christ.
We promise to always pray with you and for you as you grow in your walk with the Lord, and recognize that HE is in control
We promise to create a Godly home and foundation and always try to glorify God through our parenting and our marriage
We promise to always encourage you to look to God in times of victory and in defeat.
Amelia, you are destined for greatness, and with God as your guide, we promise to help prepare you for wherever He may lead.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Little Guppie

For Christmas Amelia received a gift certificate for swim lessons at the RDV (thank you Grammie). The RDV is a gorgeous facility, and for the "Little Guppie" swim lessons, they have a heated salt water pool! Our first lesson was last week, and we had a blast! These photos are of Amelia's first lesson, she felt so comfortable in the water! She flutter kicks her feet, just like a big person! She can climb out of the pool, hold her breath and reach for things under the water. We are so proud of her!

Sunday, March 8, 2009


We are so crazy about Disney, and this time we went to EPCOT. Amelia had the "Time of her life" and honestly, so did we watching her!

Just like my grandma snuck me champagne when I was little (no wonder I love it), Ninah keeps the tradition alive!

The Mancino's
Finding Nemo was one of the cutest parts of the day. She loved the fishies, especially the dolphins!

"Where's Nemo?"

Our little noisemaker!

We went to the Three Chefs Restaurant in France for dinner, and Amelia was the star of the show! She was so wired from her exciting day that she bounced around in her high chair the entire time, like a wild monkey! She didn't pause the entire meal in between clapping, shouting, laughing, wiggling and dancing without a pause..... it was hilarious! Auntie Nicole remarked that it was such a stitch, she "hadn't laughed that hard in years!"

The best part.... seeing her watch the fireworks. She was captivated, and her bottom lip didnt move from this position for the entire time. She wasn't scared, and the brighter the fireworks got, the more her eyes widened and mouth dropped!