Monday, February 27, 2012

Retropost: Amelia January 2010 (the tooth incident)

Some of you might notice that Amelia is missing a tooth.  Yes, she lost it but not naturally'.... it was a accident she cannot remember but mommy and Ninah (and Daddy) will never forget.
A couple of weeks after my moms partner Leonard passed away, we met to begin going through his things.  He worked for ATT for 30+ years, and had a antique pay phone in his possession.  Amelia was almost two and thought the 40lb pay phone was a toy and proceeded to pull the handle down.  The gigantic phone fell towards her, just missing her body and head, but knicking her top left tooth. From there, all I can remember is the 40 minutes drive with Ninah to the best dentist in Orlando, the incredible amount of blood and trying to keep calm. I noticed that anytime I showed anxiety, she would cry more..... so I had to stay as calm as possible.  In the end, they had to remove the tooth.  :(
When Tony got home he tried to get video of her teeth.  She had quite a day, and was not in the mood.... and got a much needed laugh out of us.

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